Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Whitman’s Use of Extended Metaphor in O Captain! My Captain!
Whitman’s Use of Extended Metaphor in â€Å"O Captain! My Captain!†Captain Lincoln Steers the Ship to victory. â€Å"Where on the deck my captain lies Fallen cold and dead.†(7-8) This quote from the story refers to the assassination of President Lincoln. Abraham Lincoln was President during the Civil War, and is considered to be one of the greatest presidents of all time. President Lincoln was assassinated on April 14,1865 and was in a coma for 9 hours before he died. With the death of the President the nation lost it’s most important man and a great father and husband. The elegy â€Å"O Captain! My Captain!†by Walt Whitman is an extended metaphor about President Lincoln’s presidency because it compares Lincoln to a ships captain, the Union†¦show more content†¦Although they lost the first battle of the war at Fort Sumter the Union army’s spirit was unconquerable. A great example of this is the Battle of Gettysburg a lso known as the turning point of the civil war. The confederate states marched to Gettysburg and intended to defeat the union there and then take the union capitol in Washington D.C. Although they intended to do this the union with the hearts of lions took the battle head on and weather’d it and eventually won just like they had done in previous battles. This was the bloodiest battle of the trip otherwise known as the Civil War. In the poem â€Å"O Captain! My Captain!†Whitman compares the Civil War to a trip. â€Å"...our fearful trip is done†(1). The Civil War was one of the nations scariest wars. It was scary to the nation because no matter who won we were losing as a unit. During the war no matter who won the country was losing lives because every single soldier in the war was from the U.S.A. If the south won the nation hurt because they would secede and slavery was still intact, if the north won the nation was not as badly hurt but we still lost countless lives but ended slavery and secession. It could also be compared to a trip because what people thought was going to last a day if that lasted almost 5 years. In conclusion Whitman’s metaphor depicted the Civil War exceptionally. Walt Whitman’s elegy â€Å"O Captain! My Captain!†is an extended metaphor due to theShow MoreRelated Whitmans O Captain! My Captain! And Dickinsons Hope is a Thing with Feathers86 0 Words  | 4 PagesWhitmans O Captain! My Captain! And Dickinsons Hope is a Thing with Feathers America experienced profound changes during the mid 1800’s. New technologies and ideas helped the nation grow, while the Civil War ripped the nation apart. During this tumultuous period, two great American writers captured their ideas in poetry. Their poems give us insight into the time period, as well as universal insight about life. Although polar opposites in personality, Emily Dickinson and Walt Whitman createdRead More Dealing with Death in Whitman’s O Captain! My Captain! and Tennyson’s Crossing the Bar1030 Words  | 5 PagesDealing with Death in Whitman’s O Captain! My Captain! and Tennyson’s Crossing the Bar Life and death are recurring topics in literature; they are not often referred to directly, but are inferred from figurative language. In Walt Whitman’s poem entitled â€Å"O Captain! My Captain†from his anthology of poems, Leaves of Grass, he describes the passing of Abraham Lincoln through the use of an extended metaphor. Similarly, â€Å"Crossing the Bar,†by Lord Alfred Tennyson, from his collection of poetryRead MoreAnalysis Of O Captain My Captain702 Words  | 3 PagesO Captain! My Captain! By Walt Whitman is short a poem about the assassination of 16th president, Abraham Lincoln and was written to honor his short life and his work while in office. While initially reading the text, it seems as though the essay is referring to a captain on a ship, who has suddenly passed away. However, looking at the historical context when this was written, and Whitmans position as a staunch Unionist, one can decipher the true meaning of the poem. Through the use of extendedRead MoreAnalysis Of The Poem O Captain ! My Captain 1846 Words  | 8 PagesWhitman’s â€Å"O Captain! My Captain!†was written about the assassination of Abraham Lincoln which gives the poem a strong sense of historical context. The context of the poem gives it the emotional connection and remembrance that so many Americans know and honor each year. When it comes to remembering and honoring him, Walt Whitman was a very good poet that wrote very good poems about Lincoln. Walt Whitman was alive when Abe was assassinated so that gives Whitman a real time view of the effects ofRead MoreA Rose For Emily Analysis1822 Words  | 8 PagesRose for Emily†? It reveals that it was not long ago that Miss Emily had laid her head on the pillow next to the decaying Homer Barron. When this man was last seen, Miss Emily took on characteristics of a woman of youth. It is not until after an extended period of time that Homer Barron is not seen, all the while Miss Emily’s her character begins to take on a more elderly traits. The narrator describes that her hair â€Å"grew grayer and grayer until it attained an even pepper-and-salt iron gray, when
Monday, December 23, 2019
Physical Development ( Fine And Gross Motor Skills
Typical physical development (fine and gross motor skills) at this age Fine Motor skills: Kearns states in ( pg 186-170) that fine motor skills involve all functions involving the use of the wrist, palm of the hand and fingers. While children at this stage may appear to have endless energy, they can still tire easily, so a balance of rest and activity is still necessary. Some children in this stage may appear unsuitable attempting one skill, while appearing quite accomplished at other skills; for example, they may draw well but have poor ball skills. Gross Motor Skills: In the age of 6 years old, it becomes increasingly difficult to describe changes and differences in motor skills development. The following are assessed during this stage. 1. Running. This will become faster depending on the length of stride and tempo. 2. Jumping. The ability to jump higher will become greater due to body size, weight, age and strength. 3. Throwing. Boys begin to throw further with a better technique and accuracy. 4. Balancing and coordination. This increases as the child becomes older and control is perfected. These areas can benefit greatly from systematic instruction in motor skills, and physical education programs at school. The quality and type of environment a child is exposed to will influence the extent to which the child develops the motor skills learned in the first two stages of development. Furthermore a child s motor interests will be determined by his or her opportunities.Show MoreRelatedHuman Development: Gross and Fine Motor Skills1272 Words  | 6 Pages Development begins in the womb. The fetus develops organs and grows many times its size during this time. Once the child is born it is even more important that the environment helps with normal infant physical and mental growth. At birth, infant senses function through eyes, ears, nose, and tongue. Through these senses they explore their world and sensations occur. Perception occurs when the brain processes these sensations. Infant movements are involuntary (reflexes). Reflexes help the infantRead MoreMy First Year Of An Infant s Gross Motor Skill1095 Words  | 5 Pagesfocuses on 6 different gross motor milestones that generally occur during the first year of an infant’s life. These milestones are head control, segmental rolling, sitting, crawling, standing and walking. Each milestone is then broken down into phases to show the progression of the gross motor skill and when each phase typically occurs. Each milestone is accompanied by a video clip that demonstrates the progression of the milestone. Why the topic was chosen I chose motor development in infants from birthRead MoreEffects Of Motor Skills On Children1747 Words  | 7 PagesAbstract The use of motor skills can affect a child physically, mentally, and visually when it comes to the child’s ability to perform on-task in school. In fact, some children’s brains take longer to function and perform task than other children in school. Not only can a child’s school behavior be affected from their use of motor skills, but their everyday lives are affected as well. That is why parents, teachers, and supporters of children who may experience difficulties with motor skills should be awareRead MoreTheories And Theories Of Human Development1337 Words  | 6 PagesAshley Grant EDPY 503 10/11/17 Principles of Human Development Paper #1 The concepts and theories of human development are important for a school counselor to have knowledge on. Knowledge on these topics can aid the counselor in better understanding the circumstances of their students. There are three main developmental sections which will be discussed in this paper. Those three include physical development, cognitive development, and social development. Each section contains multiple theories and conceptsRead MorePhysical Development in Middle Childhood1324 Words  | 6 Pagesstudent’s physical development is changing dramatically and as teachers we need to understand the changes they are going through so we can adjust the learning environment accordingly. By â€Å"physical†I of course mean the development of the body, brain and motor skills. I will now explain the importance of all factors needed for excellent physical growth and development in the middle childhood years. One important factor of physical activity during these years is to improve their gross and fine motor skillsRead MoreThe Effect Of Fine And Gross Motor Skills851 Words  | 4 PagesOur children go through a series of changes during their development growth and at every stage of their young lives important milestones are achieved. Some activities as simple and trivial as they may seem to us plays a vital role that are primarily focused on the development of fine and gross motor skills. Even when these activities can be identified by specific age groups it is important to remember that â€Å"individual differences in maturation rates, temperaments and adult and social influencesRead MorePhysical And Physical Development Of Children867 Words  | 4 PagesPhysical development of children correlates to other areas of development, for example, fine and gross motor and results in healthy development of the brain. A teacher should observe and assess the development of the learnersâ €™ fine-motor coordination and gross-motor developmental milestones during outdoor play. However, children grow at different rates, which is an indication that a child may regress in a skill or reach a milestone earlier than another. Therefore, teachers should use the developmentalRead MoreSex : Female Location : Benjamin Franklin Elementary1162 Words  | 5 PagesEmma’s age. The three main domains being Physical, Socio-emotional, and Cognitive. Physical Domain During both exercises Emma displayed her abilities in her physical development of motor skills, of which she had very appropriate capabilities for a child of her age. Physical development as defined by Six Developmental Domains. (2011) â€Å"†¦is to do with movement: gross, or large, movement of limbs and fine manipulative movement of fingers. Physical development depends on growth of the body and nervousRead MorePlay Is Very Necessary For Educating Children889 Words  | 4 Pageschild’s development and learning. The areas of learning that are that are touched on are the physical aspects of the children which are social emotional, and cognitive. Children are able to develop self-understanding about their physical and social environment through their experiences. Vygotsky said that it contains all the developmental tendencies in short form, and itself is a big source of development. (Gestwicki, C. (2014). Developmentally appropriate practice: Curriculum and developme nt in earlyRead MorePhysical Development in Middle Childhood Essay1649 Words  | 7 PagesThe physical, cognitive and socio-emotional domains of human development are influenced by diverse factors. Phases of development extend from the beginnings of human life and continue throughout the lifespan. These developmental phases are characterised by a range of features including brain development, language development and social development amongst others. Gross motor skills include activities such as running, skipping and jumping. They involve the use of the body’s larger muscle groups
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Rhetorical Analysis Food Inc Free Essays
Rhetorical Analysis: Food Inc. Have we ever wondered where our foods in America come from or â€Å"it is a world deliberately hidden from us†. Our daily consumption of food is trusted on few big capitalized corporations who run the food industry, what do we know about them? Robert Kenner and Eric Schlosser illustrates the true facts about our food industry by a documentary named Food, Inc. We will write a custom essay sample on Rhetorical Analysis: Food Inc or any similar topic only for you Order Now This documentary is more or less broken down in a  ¬Ã‚ ¬form of chapters, using supportive authors of several books on food industry, interviewing knowledgeable individuals, safety advocates, and farmers to advocate the reality of food industry. The documentary first illustrations a supermarket filled with different food items. As the camera focuses on the fruits and vegetable the speaker states â€Å"The tomatoes you buy in the grocery store are picked when green and then ripened with ethylene gas. †The process of food production has changed in the eyes of many, over the years. Many of us don’t know where the food comes from. Since 1950’s the fast food industry have had transformed the current method of raw food production. The goal is, â€Å"production of large quantities of food at low direct inputs (most often subsidized) resulting in enormous profits, which in turn results in greater control of the global supply of food sources within these few companies. †Only top four companies are handling the meat industry, which are implacable to the animals, workers and environment. The consumption of meat by an average American has raised tremendously so has the demand of fast foods. The methods of production have whole new level. First, thirty percent of American land is based on corn. The government policy pays farmers more to overproduce this easy-to-store crop. The corn is then modified in different chemical forms, which is used ninety percent in most of our industrial foods. The farm animals are feed corn to increase their weight for high dense meat. The cows, chicken, pigs and more over they are even teaching the fish to eat corn. Corn is so vastly produced it is known to be the cheapest and highly utilized food item. Candy, soda, chips are much cheaper than the produce as it is highly subtilized with corn. A cheeseburger at McDonalds cost a dollar comparing to a broccoli at a super market. This is why many low-income families suffer from diabetics and obesity. One of the examples the filmmaker exposes is a family in Los Angeles. Orozco the father suffers from Diabetics; the family cannot afford costly produce. They find a cheeseburger from McDonalds cost less than the fresh produced foods at the store. The family has to make a decision between buying healthy costly foods or his medication. When McDonald’s â€Å"Dollar Menu†a readymade cheeseburger cost less than the produce there is something alarming indication to be considered. No wonder why obesity is now a sign of poverty, not wealth and excess. The most deadly disease is the E. Coli that is manly found in the corn feed cows. E. Coli has even been found in spinach and apple juice because of the run off from factory farms. Some companies cleanse the meat with ammonia hydroxide to help kill E. Coli. Furthermore, the documentary focuses on the production of the chickens. The chickens are being raised within frothy-five days with growth hormones and more. In fact it takes three months to raise a chicken. Due to the demand of the consumers of preference to the white meat, scientists have managed to redesign the chicken to have bigger breasts. Chickens farms produce a lot chickens in small amount of land with no sunlight and no ventilation. These chickens are so closely impacted and are designed to grow larger in size, they are unable to stand and move. Corn the cheapest grain, feed to these chickens to produce more weight. Consumers buy bone less chicken with large breast for cheaper cost with the price of health care cost. Meats are not the only food that is inflected. Many seeds are also genetically modified. How to cite Rhetorical Analysis: Food Inc, Essay examples
Saturday, December 7, 2019
A Mans Character is his Fate free essay sample
The statement, â€Å"a man’s character is his fate†is a very powerful statement that I strongly agree with. I believe this is true because, in my opinion, you choose your fate by the actions and choices you make every day and your actions and choices make up your character. Someone’s character can say a lot about them and your character most always chooses your fate. Your character determines what happens in your life and what path you take in your lifetime just as fate does. This is a strong quote because it suggests that your character determines your fate and your fate is completely dependent on your character. I think this quote says that if you have good character your fate will be good but if you have bad character, in return, you fate will be bad. If a person’s character is bad and they consistently make terrible decisions and actions than their fate is bad but if a person makes correct and morally-good decisions their fate will be good. We will write a custom essay sample on A Mans Character is his Fate or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This is a good quote for people to live by because it encourages them to have a positive, strong character and if they do they will have a positive and fulfilling life ahead of them. I believe this quote is very good and very powerful because when thought about it can change your outlook on your whole life and hopefully, make transformation from bad character to good character in all people. I think this quote is great and has a very unique place in the movie â€Å"The Emperor’s Club†.
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